Spread Joy Today!

A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees.” – Amelia Earhart

June 30th would be our mother’s 93rd birthday! In her memory we started Society of Joy Spreaders in 2014 to carry on her spirit, lift and inspire others. We would like to ask you to be a Joy Spreader too!

One thing her family has done to continue to spread joy in our neighborhood was start a butterfly weigh station at a local school, pictured here. There is a little bench there with a nod to her and we hope that whoever gazes on the garden or enjoys a few minutes of peace there adds a little joy to their lives. We believe, if we teach our children to take care of the smallest creatures, we can help them learn empathy and concern for others.

What can you do to lift someone’s spirits? I don’t think that is hard to do in today’s challenging world. People are looking for you! You just have to be willing to leave your comfort zone a little. There is so much bad news out there in this divided nation and world, that I think what everyone needs is for someone to reach out and let them know they are not alone. There are unlimited possibilities, but here are just a few:

  • Bring a welcome basket to a new neighbor
  • Thank a front-line worker for their continued help
  • Make a care package for someone not feeling well, or drop off a dinner, or invite someone out. Spending time with someone is the best gift you can give to bring someone cheer.

If you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours. – Dolly Parton

– Aspiring to be a Joy Spreader