Our First Sistering Circle

I am looking forward to Feb. 25th, when I will host a night for a friend in need of encouragement and ideas. My friend, who has a very stressful job, is thinking of pursuing a different dream for herself. I thought it would be fun to gather about 10 of her most supportive friends to brainstorm ideas on her behalf. So next month, ten HGLG’s will gather one night after work to have soup and salad, and offer encouragement.

I have asked her to share her dream and her obstacles with this group. After she shares her vision (and possibly a business plan) we will then find out what the obstacles are to pursuing her dream. Then, we will take five minutes on a timer to write down as many ideas as we can on an index card for each obstacle.

At the end of our brainstorming, I will gather all the index cards and we will discuss the ideas we came up with. It is optional to own up to the ideas (increasing the possibility of some more outrageous answers)! My friend will get to take home all the cards and choose which ideas she might want to pursue or discard. At the very least, she will take home the most important idea; that she has a group of friends who want to help support her dreams. That is powerful motivation.

Watch this great video to learn about sistering




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