First “Exploring What Matters” course in the United States

I am excited to share that I will be co-leading the first “EXPLORING WHAT MATTERS” course in the United States in March, with my friend and colleague Peggy.  It is an inspiring 8-week course (created in England) to explore what matters to you to create a happy and meaningful life –with the help of friendly, like-minded people.

There is a great deal of research behind the themes. We will discuss how to take that information, and apply it to daily living to enhance our lives and the lives those around us. Each session has a theme, based on a ‘big question’. What really matters in life? What actually makes us happy? What really affects our relationships? Are there practical things we can do to enhance them? The course runs 8 weeks,  2 hours per sessions. Each session follows a similar format with an inspiring mix of learning and discussion. You can learn more about the program and how to register at this link

The mission of Society of Joy Spreaders is to spread joy and encourage others in life. This program a great way to empower people to live more joyfully and spread that joy to others.

If you would like to learn more about the course you can view a brief video here
(Aspiring to be a) Joy Spreader